COVID - 19 Care & Safety Plan

The following is a list of care and safety protocols to keep all of us free from getting and spreading COVID. Please read through this carefully and adhere to the guidelines that pertain to you. I also want to let you know what I’ll be doing to keep the clinic as clean and safe as possible.

I will be…

  • Adding extra time between appointments in order to sterilize all touch points and disinfect thoroughly between each patient.

  • Ventilating the treatment room with an air purifier and open window throughout the day and your session.

  • Wearing a mask through your entire visit.

  • Using vinyl pillow covers with pillowcases changed between each patient.

  • Conducting longer consultations (herbs, nutrition, other support) by video.

  • Hanging black out curtains in place of providing eye pillows.

  • Continuing to use clean needle protocols, which includes proper hand washing procedures.

  • Staying up to date with the spread of COVID-19 and all safety protocols.

  • Considering closures during high peak times.

  • Abiding by physical/social distance guidelines for myself and my household.

  • I am fully vaccinated.

Would you please…

  • Book a Case Consultation if you need support on herbs, nutrition or other guidance that you imagine taking more than 10 minutes to discuss.

  • Take all precautions possible when traveling or around large groups. If you’re concerned about exposure, please get a COVID test or wait 2 weeks prior to coming into the clinic. If you assess that you took all necessary precautions and are asymptomatic, feel free to come in. I sterilize the treatment room between all patients as though exposure is possible.

  • Arrive at your appointment time. There will be no waiting room in order to reduce exposure. Please wait to approach the clinic until it’s your appointment time.

  • Remove your shoes and place them on the rack in front of the door.

  • Wear a mask. You will need to wear this through your entire appointment (unless you have a respiratory condition that impedes your breathing).

  • Contact me if you’re running a fever, have a dry cough, sore throat, or any other COVID-related symptoms. Do not come in person. We will move your appointment to video or phone.

  • Use the bathroom at home before coming in for a treatment. If you absolutely need to use the bathroom here it will be made available to you.

  • Wear warm loose fitting clothing so that I can limit the use of blankets. Like the bathroom, blankets will only be handed out when absolutely necessary. They will be washed between each use. Loose fitting clothes allows you to lift up your sleeves and pant legs without having to undress.

  • Bring your own water bottle. I will not be offering water right now.

  • Bring your own eye pillow or towel if you like to have an eye covering.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and limit making contact with unnecessary surfaces.

  • Limit how much you bring inside with you. I have one hook on the door for your bags and clothes, and one small basket for your smaller items.

While some of these guidelines may feel rigid, they are the current best practices of most clinics. It is critical that I provide you excellent care within the safest environment possible. Your adherence to these guidelines will help make that possible.